SHEQ Management

We at Khum Mk Investments pride ourselves on providing or  the purpose of the SHEQ management. This system is to demonstrate its capability to consistently provide conforming products and/or service.

The SHEQ management system is aimed at achieving customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements through application of the system, the continual improvement of the system and the prevention of non-conformity.

The SHEQ management system applies to all activities – from the identification of customer requirements, through all SHEQ management system processes, to the achievement of customer satisfaction.

The SHEQ management system coordinates the management of activities relevant to actual and potential quality, safety and environmental impacts and demonstrates awareness of quality, safety and environmental issues.

Management procedures describe the operation of the management system and quality, safety and environmental performance criteria. The SHEQ management system includes all quality, safety and environmental aspects under direct management control and others that management could reasonable expect to influence. Control is possible over the site and its activities. Influence is possible over the activities, products and services of key suppliers, contractors and customers.


  • Khum Mk Investments activities interact with the environment, since our raw materials come from nature          and   the processes we carry out generate impacts on the land, water and air. Our activities would not be possible without the support of the surroundings in which we operate. Our main interest is to preserve this environment, which is necessary for long-term business viability


  • Khum Mk Investments shall create and maintain a safe and healthy working environment.
  • Management takes the responsibility to inform employees and those people who may be exposed to known hazards and to develop appropriate operating standards as part of an effective prevention programme.
  • Each employee must be trained, certified and act safely at all times and accept personal responsibility for preventing and reporting accidents or any practice which could endanger himself or others.
  • We expect the employees of the company to join us in implementing this policy and thereby contributing to the well being of the employees and the business as a whole.


  • Khum Mk Investments is committed to adhering to the intent of the policy statements in all its activities. Khum Mk is committed to ensuring that they meet the required SHEQ levels, and to continuously improving Khum Mk’s standing in this regard through the effective implementation of the SHEQ Management Program.